Research and Innovation
Research and Innovation
We live and work in a society in which innovation and technology play an increasing role in our lives. They are essential parts of our knowledge-based society. Solving new problems, should be also in a new way; these can be new products or technological applications, or simply a new way of looking at things. Innovation must be used to strengthen the economy and improve society.
However, the impact and speed of current technological development is unprecedented. Innovation is not easy and in addition to the practical and technical challenges, there are also legal obstacles to be overcome. Our lawyers have extensive experience in providing legal assistance to innovators, multinationals, national and international academic institutions. We are strongly aware of the legal challenges of research and innovation and support our clients within a project and ensure that the research and/or innovation projects comply with all relevant legal provisions, for example in the areas of privacy and protection of personal data.
Common topics within our office are:
Ownership of data, such as access restrictions and usage rights
Protection of personal data (GDPR)
Allocation of intellectual property rights
Licensing rights
Sustainability and exploitation plan
Cooperation agreements such as joint ventures and underwritings
Protection of confidentiality
Technology transfer and exploitation of new developments
Software development
Crowdsourced development
Risk and social impact assessments
Open data